Be Resilient!


Life Story

About Dee Hankins

I’m extremely passionate about helping students in challenging situations become more resilient because I was one of those students. Resilience is the invisable armor that helps us navigate life’s inevitable challenges, bouce back from setbacks, and emerge stronger than before. It’s not just about surviving hardship, but about thriving in the face of it.

Life Journey

Struggle of Dee Hankins

The struggle of Dee Hankins is what has opened the door for him to speak to thousands of students and educators each year, teaching them to focus on their resilience and bounce back! As a nationally acclaimed inspirational youth speaker, Dee has made a major impact with clients such as CADA, NASC, Jostens, The Department of Children and Family Services, and many more!

❝Dee made me feel like we all have a future. That we are all more than we think we are.❞

____Magdiel P - Student

I was two months old when I was placed into foster care. My biological mom had taken me to the hospital one night when she noticed that I was really sick. The doctor had found small traces of cocaine in my system. My family was heavily involved in drug use. 

I spent my first 4 years in a loving foster home with a mother, father, and siblings. One day after returning home from a full day of fun and friends, I felt something that I’ve never felt before, we call it tension. When I got into the house I caught a glimpse of my (foster) mom crying. I also noticed that my bedroom, which was once so filled with toys it reminded me of Toys-R-Us on black Friday, completely empty. The only thing that remained was a small, Superman suitcase, packed with clothes. With a quick hug and kiss from my mom and a whisper of “I Love You”, the social worker, who was also present at the time, walked me to her car, grabbed my belongings, and that was that. I’ve never seen the woman I called mom again. Sadly enough this wouldn’t be the last time I would have to endure this heartbreaking experience.

I spent the next 8 years of my life literally bouncing around from home to home. I began to feel unwanted and anger started to manifest itself in my behavior. I developed sever trust issues, anger issues, authority issues. I would often get into trouble at school for foul language, fighting and an overall lack of respect for authority. Most of the care providers I stayed with had no other choice but to release me and place me back in the hand of my social workers.

I was two months old...

I was 12 years old when I landed in foster home #12. This would be my last.

Most of my young life I strongly believed that no one cared about me. I felt that it was just me against the world and I was going at it alone with no light at the end of my tunnel. Statistically, almost 50% of African American males placed in the foster care system drop out of high school. We are almost 10 times more likely to end up in a prison than to ever step foot on a college campus. This would have been the case for me had I not gotten a call from a college sponsorship program called United Friends of the Children. They persistently encouraged me to enroll in college and even offered me a scholarship. Their effort opened my eyes and changed my entire view on life itself. They helped me realize that there are people who do care.

I did not drop out of high school and I definitely did not end up in prison. As a matter of fact, I graduated from California State University; Long Beach with a B.S. in Criminal Justice. I’ve come to realize that God has blessed me with a gift of speaking and a story to tell. I am now on a mission to help students in challenging situations to become more resilient! Remember…Life Throws Curveballs But Even Curveballs Can Be Hit For Home Runs!